• Rapid Roll Doors

High Speed / Rapid-Roll Doors

 Especially effective where high frequency use is a consideration, High Speed Industrial doors enable energy and cost savings as well as optimised traffic flows, production and logistic activities.  – safe, reliable, maintenance and user friendly.

Large High Speed Folding Door
Rapid Roll Door
Rapid Roll Door


High Speed Doors are constructed from heavy duty flexible curtain material that opens by rolling or folding  over the top of the opening.
Fast opening and closing speeds help maintain controlled environments as well as reducing your energy bills and are suitable for food manufacture, pharmaceutical manufacture, industry – external  and internal applications – All meet the relevant European standards.


Self Repairing  ‘Crash Out’ Curtains

Emergency Counter-Weight Release Systems

Food Safe & ATEX Rated Options

Range of Windows & Full Width Vision Rows

Comprehensive activation options such as Radar  Motion Detectors, Infrared Sensors & Radio Controlled Receivers



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